The Unappreciated Genius of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Eric Balough
6 min readFeb 4, 2021


I’m a sci-fi fan. Always have been and I always will be. And who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh on occasion too?

This is why I have come to appreciate the comic genius of Marjorie Taylor Greene. We’ll get to her comedic chops in a second, because I also want to point out that she also happens to be an astute historian. Recently, I posted this early morning realization to my Facebook feed to show that some of her observations, though fantastical, may not be so far fetched…

Lately, a lot of people have been up in arms about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s revelations about the cause of the California wildfires.
Rather than write her off as a right-wing, Q-anon nut job, I think we need to consider the fact that she is basing this off of well documented history.
A long, long time ago, another fragile democracy fell prey to a similar plot. The chancellor, a one-time senator, conspired with a banking clan and a trade guild to engineer a civil war designed to weaken the republic. When he was confronted by agents of the Justice and Enforcement Division (Independent), he used this confrontation to seize power and overthrow the will of the people to proclaim himself Emperor. Among the many terrible weapons developed during his terrible reign, none was more feared than the Jumbo Electromagnetic Weapon in Space which was financed and built in secret by the aforementioned banking clan and traders guild.
So before you go writing off MTG’s theories as some anti-Semitic nonsense, I ask you to remember your history. Remember the terrible reign of terror brought on by none other than Emperor Palpanstein himself…

Okay, okay… I realize that the above historical analogy isn’t totally accurate. But being a Christian, Conservative, business owner, mother and unapologetic white woman she’s giving the people what they want… comedy!

She is the heir apparent to none other than the great Mel Brooks, and she’s tipped us off to the plotline of Spaceballs 2!

I mean she has to be a genius, right? Because the alternative to her being a genius is… oy vey!

The GOP is the party of Adventure! The Democrats are boring.

“Flash of Genius”. A riveting tale about windshield wiper patents.

If we’ve seen anything the last four years, and seems to be the case going forward, is that Democrats are just plain boring. It is evident why the Former Occupant of the White House (FOWH for short) kept calling now-President Joe Biden, “Sleepy Joe”.

Sleepy Joe is boring. He sleeps at night rather than Tweeting at 2am while taking a dump (and that may also be the commentary on the quality of those Tweets). He talks about boring stuff like governing and policy and not fun stuff like Taco bowls and bleach-based cures for pandemics. He uses boring things like scientific observation and hypothesis testing to make public health decisions rather than leave it up to OANN darling, Tommie Lauren, to give him his opinions. In fact, since he was inaugurated, I can’t think of a single insane thing that Biden has done or said! How boring is that?!

“Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”. At the Battle of Helms Deep with wizards and orcs and shit.

The GOP, on the other hand, is the party of adventure! They put the “party” in party. They don’t really get distracted by lame things like tax policy, healthcare reform, pandemic bailouts, or holding people accountable for failed insurrections. Any sort of government is clearly socialist. And we can’t have socialism in ‘Murcia. You aren’t a commie socialist…. are you?

The GOP has more important crusades to fight. There is a growing cabal of satanic, communist, elitist pedophiles kidnapping millions of children and selling them at auction to the highest bidder at super secret locations that every Karen with DoTerra nametag will tell you about on their Youtube channel because the lamestream media is hiding the TRUTH!

Which movie would you rather watch, dear reader? Would you like to watch Greg Kinnear drone on about his windshield wiper designs, or would you rather keep your eyes glued to Gandalf (aka FOWH) riding in on a white horse and saving Ameri — er.. Helms Deep from the Democ — um, orcs?

The Struggle is Real

The GOP is in a real bind right now. There are a handful of Republicans that want to ignore the globalist conspiracy to kidnap your children and sell the to the highest paying Chinese lizard person, and go back to boring things like arguing with Democrats, who clearly hate America by the way, totally true, everyone knows it, about tax codes, immigration reform and debt and deficit.

After the Democrats stole the election, they enacted their oppressive regime by doing what Congress has always done even before they hijacked ‘Murica… they swore an oath to the Constitution! They even started debates on legislation with Republicans! How can anyone be so blind as to not see that the Democrats stole the election to um… have a…. democratic… government…

The GOP meanwhile is circling the wagons (or drain) by making sure that they provide safe harbor to the God fearing true Americans that would gleefully execute Democrats to impose true democratic values on the country. In order to preserve the Constitution, we must destroy it to protect it from the Democrats!

We now take you back to the regularly scheduled program

I have to confess that it was kind of fun to write some of that stuff to lampoon the sheer lunacy that has gripped the American right and is now embodied in the personage of Marjorie Taylor Greene. It is kind of fun to write off the wall things about conspiracy theories, and lizard people, and secret cabals of satanists who lurk around every corner like we are in some dystopian sci-fi flick.

It is fun… except that it isn’t. People are dead as a result of this nonsense. We have armed extra judicial militias that have gone to ground for now and they are plotting their next moves. Not since the Civil War has the United States had sitting representatives and Senators who actively oppose the rule of law and the Constitution. These militias have what they lacked in the previous four decades since their resurgence: political legitimacy.

2019 Democracy Index. We’re “flawed”… just like Columbia and South Africa.

You and I, dear reader, do not have to give them an ounce of attention because they now have people in power who do. We are in a new era of our journey as the world’s oldest democracy (okay… second oldest if we count the Isle of Man). We’ve seen alliances formed between sitting Congressmen and militias, and for a brief instant, an American president was also able to mobilize what amounts to a private militia. This is unprecedented in our history.

This is a dangerous path that we now walk as a country. One party, of whom I was never a big fan, wants to get back to the business of business as usual. (Boring stuff really.) The other party is struggling with itself as to whether they want to watch a movie about windshield wiper patents or wizards. They look like they are on the path to wizardry, sorcery, magic and fantasy. (Exciting!)

If left unchecked by the boring folks in the GOP, the wizards (and the shaman) will take over the party in its entirety. Once that happens, they’ll raise an army to crush their sub-human opponents. Don’t believe me? Conservative radio host, Mark Levin, has been calling DC “Mordor-on-the-Potomac” for years.

Let the NFFA restore your freedom.

MAGA doesn’t need FOWH any more. They have their new genius. Their new storyteller. Their new shock jock and script writer. They now have Marjorie Taylor Greene. And unlike FOWH, she is a true believer. She is a true believer with power and a voice. And while she may be a complete lunatic, we now have to take her quite seriously because today’s tales of secret Jewish space lasers are tomorrow’s government sponsored pogroms.



Eric Balough
Eric Balough

Written by Eric Balough

Former infantry officer, and current military analyst. Lover of coffee, dogs, Jeeps, hockey and my family.

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