Thank you for your response Phil.
They absolutely should take a great deal of credit for defeating the Nazis.
Russia suffered the most catastrophic losses out of any country in WWII by miles.
The statement was not meant to question contributions and sacrifices of the noble Russian people in those dark taimes.
It was intended to draw a sharp contrast between the evil that they fought then and the evil their *government* is causing now.
As to the mistake on the dates, I don't have an excuse for that. I know better and I'll update it.
I would say that I can't imagine seeing my country make awful mistakes in invading another country... but I can. It is heartwrenching. It is even worse as a participant.
Also, I appreciate the reference for Stephen Kotkin. I will certainly start reading his work.
My goal here is to try and get the small number of readers that I have to understand the war and the causes for it. To an American, it is completely incomprehensible (sort of). So, to the best of my limited ability, I have been working to better understand the mindset of the people calling the shots in Russia.
Again, thank you for your response and I am grateful for your perspective, you keeping me straight on history, and your referrals for better understanding. I am truly sorry for what is happening with your homeland.