Eric Balough
1 min readApr 20, 2022


Fine. You brought up a counter-argument to the cause of the war in Ukraine.

But frankly, this comes of as victim blaming.

You know what causes rape? Rapists.

You know what causes invasions? Invaders. (...and before you go off on US foreign policy blunders and horrible invasions, bad foreign policy for one party doesn't justify unrelated and even more brutal wars on the behalf of another.)

Sure, there is probably more that the US, NATO and the EU could have done to delay this war, but it was coming one way or the other. For Ukraine, the war started in 2014. This is just the second act.

So while I understand the urge to "challenge the narritive" because it makes you one of the cool kids or whatever, it doesn't make you right.

In fact, you are just putting on display that you fundamentally misunderstand Russian motivations and strategic goals.

If you go the basic facts correct instead of vearing off on a tangent about Europe and natural gas, and you still arrived at a different explanation, then your argument would have some credibility. But you don't and your argument is not credible.



Eric Balough
Eric Balough

Written by Eric Balough

Former infantry officer, and current military analyst. Lover of coffee, dogs, Jeeps, hockey and my family.

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